Rank#7 in North America
for Hispanic Executives



At Domar Companies, we understand that the executive search process extends beyond candidate selection and negotiation. Ensuring a smooth and successful onboarding experience for both clients and candidates is a vital part of our commitment to delivering exceptional service and customer satisfaction. Here’s a detailed overview of our onboarding process and our approach to customer satisfaction:

Candidate Onboarding:

  1. Welcome and Introduction:
    • Upon the candidate’s acceptance of the offer, we extend a warm welcome and introduce them to our onboarding process. We provide an overview of what to expect during their transition into the new role.
  2. Documentation and Compliance:
    • We assist candidates in completing all necessary documentation, including employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, and any other required paperwork. We ensure that candidates are fully compliant with legal and organizational requirements.
  3. Integration Plan:
    • We collaborate with clients to develop a customized integration plan for the candidate. This plan outlines key milestones, objectives, and expectations during the initial period with the organization.
  1. Communication and Follow- Up:
    • We maintain ongoing communication with candidates to address any questions or concerns they may have during the onboarding process. Our goal is to provide a seamless transition and address any challenges proactively.
  2. Feedback and Adjustment:
    • We actively seek feedback from candidates about their onboarding experience. This feedback informs our continuous improvement efforts, ensuring that future transitions are even smoother.

Client Onboarding:

  1. Kick-Off Meeting:
    • We conduct a kick-off meeting with the client’s leadership team to introduce the selected candidate and review the integration plan. This meeting sets clear expectations and ensures alignment between the client and the new executive.
  2. Onboarding Support:
    • We provide ongoing support to the client during the candidate’s onboarding period. This includes assisting with the development of a comprehensive orientation program and facilitating any necessary introductions.
  3. Performance Monitoring:
    • We collaborate with the client to establish performance monitoring mechanisms to track the candidate’s progress and success in the role. This includes regular check-ins and reviews.
  4. Feedback Loop:
    • We maintain an open feedback loop with the client to address any issues or adjustments required during the onboarding process. Our aim is to ensure that both the client and the candidate are satisfied with the transition.

Customer Satisfaction:

  1. Survey and Feedback:
    • We regularly solicit feedback from both clients and candidates regarding their experience with Domar Companies. This feedback is collected through surveys and direct conversations.
  2. Continuous Improvement:
    • We use customer feedback as a foundation for continuous improvement. Any areas for enhancement are addressed promptly, ensuring that our services evolve to meet the changing needs of our clients and candidates.
  1. Client and Candidate Retention:
    • High levels of customer satisfaction are integral to our goal of client and candidate retention. We aim to build long-lasting relationships based on trust, transparency, and exceptional service.

Domar Companies’ onboarding process and commitment to customer satisfaction reflect our dedication to delivering not only top-tier executive search services but also a seamless and rewarding experience for all parties involved. Our success is measured by the satisfaction and success of our clients and candidates.